








































The Testimony from the Stones of the Khakko Ichiu* Tower

Kojima Takao


A false “Tower for Peace”
   The “Khakko Ichiu Tower”, located in the Prefecture Park of

Miyazaki, was built in 1940.  At a height of 36 meters, it claimed

to be the highest Tower in Japan at the time.  One hundred eighteen

pieces of the foundation stones were brought from China by the

Imperial Japanese Army as war spoils.  Among the stones, the

“Unicorn-Engraved Stone” from the Ming Palace and “Stones of the

Great Wall” ? all national treasures of China ? are included. 

Two hundred thirty-eight stone pieces were taken from Manchuria,

Shenyang, Bejing, the Mausoleum of Dr. Sun Yat-sen in Nanjing, and

other areas in China; 362 pieces were taken from Japanese colonies

in Korea, Sakhalin, and South Pacific Islands.  With additional

constructional stones gathered from within Japan, a total of 1,787

pieces were taken.  At the time, it could be said that it was a

“Tower for High Spirit of War”, but it now becomes a false

“Tower for Peace.”
A Tower that pushes the nation toward war
   The front of the Tower has a huge “Khakko Ichiu” plaque

surrounded on both sides with engravings of guns.  The inside of

the Tower was decorated with eight giant reliefs depicting the

mythical Jinmu Tenno, topics of Meiji Restoration and The Great

Asian Co-prosperity Sphere, and etc.  As the Japanese Army sank

into the untenable war of invading China, the Japanese Government,

in an effort to promote the Khakko Ichiu spirit of war, mobilized

the public and built numerous structures of similar construction,

using this Tower as the model.  The next year, in 1941, Japan

started the Pacific War. 
Testimony of the stones
   As a result of the Japanese defeat, the “Khakko Ichiu” plaque

was removed.  However, in 1965, the Tower was restored as “Peace

Seeking Tower.”  The information plaque has the following

deceitful engraving: “The foundation stones were shipped from

friendly nations”, an alteration of history.  All those stones are

highly precious cultural properties which have been clearly

verified from our field investigations and from testimonies taken

in China.  Most of the foundation stones were removed from

historical sites.  Moreover, some of the stones were even engraved

with the names of the invading Japanese army units and the puppet

governments, a vivid proof of the history of that era. 
Concealing the responsibility of the war and denying the legacy of

losing the war
   “Khakko Ichiu” brought upon the death of 20 million (?) of

Asians and 3.1 million Japanese.  Barely when “the 100 million

repent” slogan was voiced after the defeat, Japanese began to

conceal its responsibility for the war.  Converting “Khakko Ichiu

” into “Peace Seeking” and “Tower of War” into “Tower of

Peace” have occurred because Japan is not willing to use the Tower

as a legacy to repent for the loss of the war, nor is it ready to

abandon its arrogance.  This is also the root cause for Asians not

viewing Japan as trustworthy and for the rightwing movement within

Japan.  It should be clearly seen that only by establishing the

same interpretation of history and by letting it become a true

“Tower of Peace”, can Japan’s wish to be embraced by the world

be fulfilled.
Other concealed facts included incidents of abduction of Chinese
   Deep in the hills north of Miyazaki Prefecture 250 Chinese

laborers were abducted as forced laborers to a “Maki” mine which

Mitsubishi operated during the war.  Within 10 months of their

arrival 77 died, which amounts to a high mortality rate of 30.8%. 

The list of Chinese victims on file with the Japanese Government,

Miyazaki Prefecture and Mitsubishi were all burned.  While taking

testimony about “Khakko Ichiu”, we were also searching for

surviving forced laborers.  So far we have located nine survivors,

including three found in Shantung before 1998, and dependents of

five victims.  On August 10, 2004, a lawsuit was filed at the local

court of Miyazaki by the victims.  Burning the victims list of the

Maki mine and altering the history of “Khakko Ichiu Tower” are

equally deceitful.  We believe that if Japan does not change its

irresponsible and arrogant attitude toward history, peace in Asia

and a bright future for Japan will be merely empty words. 
* Editor’s note: “Khakko Ichiu 〔八?一宇〕was a militaristic

slogan used by the Japanese Government before and during WWII,
  literally meaning “all the world under one roof,” and that

“roof”, of course, meant Japan.  


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